Magical Playsilks with a Señorita Twist!

Magical Playsilks with a Señorita Twist!

Magical Playsilks with a Señorita Twist!

What do you like about playsilks? 

We would love to hear about how your kids play with silks and pretend.


  • Oops! Typo! It should read now that my husband is a Waldorf teacher.

    Belladonia Mortensen on

  • We have loved play silks in our home for almost 17yrs now. Our eldest is almost 17 and our youngest is 3 months. They are time less and great for any age, gender, and activity. Now that my husband is a Waldorf , we are having fun in our home and in the classroom with silks. Thank you for making such amazing pieces for play.

    Belladonia Mortensen on

  • I forgot to add my kids favorite use is as a colorful tent over their playstand. But they’ve done a million other things — so handy for cuddling and carrying things and dress-up and just running around with!

    Margaret on

  • They are so magical aren’t they? Even when they’re not being played with my kids just like having them around!

    Margaret on

  • My children are 8 and 12 and playsilks still have a role in their play – from fort building to dress up and doll play. They are simply magical (and long-lasting). Our large rainbow is a favorite.

    Alan on

  • My three girls ages 2,4 and 6 play with their silks most days. They love them, and are always thinking of new ways to involve them in their play.

    Taya on

  • We just ordered our first Sarah’s silk from Bella Luna Toys and we should get it on Thurstday. I can’t wait to see how my 2 yo plays with it. I’m pretty sure he will use it as a blanket, to hide and play pick a boo, to do a little house and a a super hero’s cape.

    Zoe Esquilin on

  • My two (ages 6 & 8) love using silks for scenery and backdrops in all of their puppet shows and stories. More silks and more colors mean more possible story elements!

    Laurie on

  • My kiddos love playing with their silks, I had no idea what creativity could come from them. It’s really amazing!

    Abby on

  • Play silks have been many things through the years. Today they are bring used as a doll hammock and the sky to gaze up at and tied to a “Y” shaped stick to make a sling shot.

    Michelle on

  • I love the versatility of the silks and the colors are just gorgeous. My kids favorite way to play with him is to dress up as everything from a princess to a superhero

    KAtherine on

  • My grandchildren love the silk swords (3 and 4 1/2 years old). And they both want the silk crown—so I’ll be ordering another one. The cape on the Knight’s suit is a’little long for the 3 year old, but I tie a loose knot in it and that works.

    Marylee on

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