Magical Playsilks with a Señorita Twist!

Magical Playsilks with a Señorita Twist!

Magical Playsilks with a Señorita Twist!

What do you like about playsilks? 

We would love to hear about how your kids play with silks and pretend.


  • My kids are 11 and 8, and they STILL use play silks in their play! Suffice it to say, our supply is getting a bit raggedy and ripped. The stash could use a good refreshing! Thanks for the opportunity!

    Andrea on

  • We love ours !! So much fun and imagination to be had with them. My little guy loves to dance with his to music and also loves to “hide” all his little people underneath them ? Can’t wait to see where else his imagination goes !

    Jolson HOlmes on

  • My granddaughter and I dried white plays ills with dyes we made from vegtables! We had such a great time together!

    Debi Cole on

  • I love how my daughter gets a lot of use out of her silks. We’ve had many toys come and go, her play silks from Sarah silks are almost going on 3 years. :)

    Lori on

  • We love the colors and quality of your silks.‘t daughter uses them for forts, dress up on herself/Mom/dad and even our cat and dog! We use them for decoration and nature tables. We love Sarah’s silks! We only own a few and would love more.

    Heather Collins on

  • Play silks are my child’s favorite toy. They are a staple for every game and imaginative play she’s ever had. They’ve been costumes, baby carriers, forts, blankets… Just everything! We love them!

    Kristin on

  • We love how colorful and versatile they are. We have had some for two years and my four year old practically uses them every day. My three month old just started playing with a small silk and seems to love it. Thank you for the chance to win.

    Kalli on

  • Playsilks are my go-to toy when weekday afternoons are dragging. It never fails to amaze me how, when I put down that basket of silks, both the kindergartener and the toddler are excited and inspired to build forts in front of the fan, or pretend to be super heroes, or simply play peekaboo. I recently bought a grab bag of silks for my sisters family of older kids (ages 3-10) and was delighted that they immediately loved them and pretended to be kings and queens in a secret kingdom, wearing silk capes the color of whatever region they were ruling (forest, water, desert, etc).

    Lela on

  • Can I be a kid again! Guess it is time to Play Silk with my two year old granddaughter, who is coming for a visit soon. We are building a silk playroom covering our living room playtable so she has a secret place to get away.

    Gray on

  • Once upon a time a lone silk sat folded and almost asleep upon a shelf. One day children’s voices could be heard nearby and the silk got a little excited for she had heard stories of children and all the adventures one could have with them. To her absolute delight she felt a smal hand take hold of her. And what a day she had! She was a cape for a little bit, then she got to hug a baby doll ever so tight, she carried the groceries from the kitchen over to the resturaunt and became a tablecloth for the picnic. She met some new friends, a couple of playclips, who held on so well to her while she hung on the side of the playhouse! She thought there couldn’t be any more wonderful in one day when she was held by two children on her corners while they sang her almost to sleep with a very special song about butterflies and friends. She was put to bed upon her shelf and fell happily to sleep dreaming all night of what amazing things might happen tomorrow. <3

    Marna Widom on

  • Our rainbow silk scape becomes many wonderful things in my children’s play. It’s been a baby carrier, cave door, helped define rooms of an imaginary play house, restaurant service counter, and so much more. The material is lovely and enchanting and oh so inspiring!

    Megan on

  • Subbing in different preschool rooms – they love to use play silks n dramatic play and over the wood frame I have to tent it in

    LYnda on

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