Magical Playsilks with a Señorita Twist!

Magical Playsilks with a Señorita Twist!

Magical Playsilks with a Señorita Twist!

What do you like about playsilks? 

We would love to hear about how your kids play with silks and pretend.


  • Skirts, capes, blankets, beautiful and inspiring playthings!

    Sarah Sims on

  • They are great for dress up…capes, wings, dresses, belts, etc.

    Gina on

  • We love play silks at our house! We have a few that have been very loved by the kids here. Music time, dress up, blankies for babies, the list is endless!

    Heidi Olson on

  • We love to use them as capes, parachutes, magical cloaks… It’s endless. Great product!

    Melissa Fitzgerald on

  • I use them in my classroom to make the season table more beautiful or to create a lovely decoration for our special candle. These silks are wonderful!

    Siobhan Bowers on

  • My children love running with them in the wind, playing peek-a-boo, baby blankets, and wearing them. I love seeing them use their imaginations playing with them!

    Alicia on

  • Our playsilks are one of my favorite things for my kids – they come back to them again and again. My 6 year old daughter likes to make them into dresses and skirts. My 2 year old son has recently discovered them and loves to use them as capes. He also likes to just hold them, I’m sure the soft, silky texture feels nice to him. Even my 9 year old son uses them as capes sometimes! And I love the creativity I see when the playsilks are used. Everyone is happy!

    Merri on

  • Playsilks make excellent parachutes and also curtains for puppet shows :)

    Loren M. on

  • My daughter loves to play with her playsilks by making the small ones clothes and hammocks for dolls, as well as little hanging bags on her tricycle — she puts toys in them. Allows for so much creative play.

    Erica on

  • I love how soft the play silks are. I work with children with developmental disabilities and many of my kiddos have sensory issues. These plays silks are so soft that they are the only ones I can use with many kids who have tactile issues. These silks make it so they can handle the way they feel in their hand and on the skin, which really is great for their needs!!

    Stacy H. on

  • My two boys LOVE these silks! They are so light and airy, and so easy to clean. During any given day, one pocket silk morphs from a cowboy kerchief, to a pirate headscarf, to a belt for their swords, to a hobo’s bag on a stick, to a superhero or knight’s cape, or a purse for their magic stones. The long constellation silk has graced many a couch cushion construction. They are my “go to” gift for new babies and Waldorf parents.

    Sarah McK on

  • Ours mostly get used for capes and for baby doll diapers.

    MOlly on

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