Fishing Game Craft

Fishing Game Craft

Children love doing crafts! We hope you and your little ones enjoy making your very own fishing game. Make this craft at birthday parties, for open...

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DIY Rainbow Collage Garland

DIY Rainbow Collage Garland

Children love using colors to make pretty collages! You may use these shapes for a garland, in open-ended play, as game pieces, on cards, for birth...

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Rainbow Juggling Bags

Rainbow Juggling Bags

Children delight in learning to juggle! You may also use these juggling bags for toss, or make a ring with a Playsilk and try to get all your juggl...

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Printable Bunny Paper Dolls!

Printable Bunny Paper Dolls!

Easter is on the way! We hope you and your little ones enjoy these seasonal bunny paper dolls with matching Sarah's Silks dress-ups. From Rainbow...

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Dyeing Easter Playsilks & Eggs

Dyeing Easter Playsilks & Eggs

A Simple Craft in Color Mixing & Dyeing What You'll Need: Playsilk Dye Kit 6 regular eggs Jars (one for each dye color) Large pot Spoon ...

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Wrapping Easter Gifts for Children

Wrapping Easter Gifts for Children

Children love searching for things and finding them. A fun game to play is to hide things for each other and then find them. 

Unwrapping them after they find them makes it all even more exciting! Here is an idea of wrapping different objects with playsilks and tying them with a ribbon, yarn or a finger knit. 

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