Halloween Switch Witch

Halloween Switch Witch

Halloween Switch Witch

When my boys were small they enjoyed trick-or-treating but I didn't want them to eat all that candy. My friend told me about the Halloween Elf who takes away the candy and leaves a toy in its place. I thought that was a great idea. We let them choose a few pieces then put the rest out by the doorstep at night and in the morning a new toy would be in its place!

Since then I've heard about this tradition from many other parents. Some call it the Halloween Fairy or Switch Witch.

What does your family do?

Leave a comment below and enter to win our giveaway - 2 prizes of $50 gift cards to our website so you can get a gift for your Halloween switch! We will choose winners 10/23 in time to ship for the holiday.


  • We don’t have kids, but this is a great idea. Also, local dentists do something similar I think. I know they do a “trade-in” program of some kind; I’m just not sure what they give the kids.

    Rebecca S. on

  • This is an amazing idea. This will be the first year that our son understands that he is getting candy and that he wants it. I love the idea of a switch witch!

    Tara K on

  • This is such a great idea! My kids are small, so this is the first year we will go trick or treating. I will absolutely have to use this!

    Meghan on

  • The Switch Witch visits our house. She usually leaves a small toy. This year I actually have a new playsilk wrapped around the toy. My husband usually takes the extra candy to the fire department where he works.

    Moriah on

  • The “Halloween Witch” visits out house. The kids are allowed to pick out 5 pieces of their trick-or-treat candy and all the non candy treats (pretzels, pencils, stickers…) to keep for themselves. The rest is left on the table. The “Halloween Witch” comes in the night and takes the candy and leaves a gift. Last year they got fun umbellas, the year before kinetic sand. Maybe silks this year?

    Carly on

  • Our family are self proclaimed sweet tooth addicts. However, we always try to be healthy and eat sweets in moderation. It may be hard at the moment, but we always feel better when the candy is out of the house after Halloween and there’s something lasting in its place. I think it also shows kids that food isn’t a reward. It’s something to be enjoyed but not something to obsess or become zealous about.

    Hailey Mikulecky on

  • The Switch Witch visits our home, usually leaving Lego’s in place of candy. We also have some amazing dentists in our town that will collect our unwanted candy, and in return give the kids new toothbrushes, toothpaste, stickers, etc!

    Piper Scott on

  • We leave our candy out for the “Sugar Mice”. They visit after the children have gone to bed and they leave a small gift to say thank you for the candy that will keep them warm all winter. ❤

    Megan Lane on

  • Having had family members serve overseas, we know firsthand that candy is a commodity and appreciated. My sister always had some in her uniform pockets to give to local children. We put together a few care packages to send off with the candy and include other essentials. The kids know that there is a swap event involved as well, instead of a gift…we do something fun…the trampoline park, a movie, the planetarium, etc.

    Ruth Lyons on

  • We have the tradition of being visited by the Sugar Plum Fairies each year for a candy swap! Here’s a poem I wrote for it and my children always get excited for it.
    🍁🍂🎃✨ “Just before bed, on Halloween night, we put out the candy and shut off the light. Then into our beds, all cozy and warm, we close our eyes tightly and listen for swarms. The Sugar Plum fairies arrive soft and sweet, they swap out our candy for a little toy treat. Then off they go, out into the night. Sacks filled to the brim, with candies delight. They must always collect, as much as they can. For the seasons will wait, until sugar’s at-hand.” ✨💗✨🧚🏼‍♀️🍂🎃🍁

    Here’s what I’m making as our swap gift from the Sugar Plum Fairies this year. ;)

    Christina on

  • We have a Halloween fairy who trades out the collected candy for a few healthier treats, a Halloween themed book and small desirable toy.

    Alisha on

  • We openly discuss sharing our good fortune. Treats for troops, https://soldiersangels.org/Donate-Halloween-Candy!.html

    Lisa V on

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