Halloween Switch Witch

Halloween Switch Witch

Halloween Switch Witch

When my boys were small they enjoyed trick-or-treating but I didn't want them to eat all that candy. My friend told me about the Halloween Elf who takes away the candy and leaves a toy in its place. I thought that was a great idea. We let them choose a few pieces then put the rest out by the doorstep at night and in the morning a new toy would be in its place!

Since then I've heard about this tradition from many other parents. Some call it the Halloween Fairy or Switch Witch.

What does your family do?

Leave a comment below and enter to win our giveaway - 2 prizes of $50 gift cards to our website so you can get a gift for your Halloween switch! We will choose winners 10/23 in time to ship for the holiday.


  • We do switch witch, and the gift always includes a Halloween themed book! I always keep the candy hidden away and snack on it myself over the following days, but I am going to try to break that tradition!!!!!!!!

    Shannon on

  • we live in a rural area where trick or treating doesn’t happen; but there are a lot of local places that do little treat events. we’ve talked a lot about food with our little and she’s not really interested in candy. I take the loot and exchange with it with a treat we’re both happy with and a book or new play thing. she’s happy to pass along candy to her cousins and the rest of our family.

    Courtney D on

  • We do “switch witch” and my daughters (6 and 5) look forward to it. They have many questions “how old is the switch witch?” “Does she have rotten teeth from eating so much candy” we give a small stuffed animal or art supplies as the switch presents.

    Susan B on

  • I have never heard of this! What a great idea- my daughter is 2.5 and starting to learn about trick or treating – I’m definitely going to implement the switch witch! Thank you!

    Emily on

  • This Halloween I’m planning to eat the majority of the leftovers!

    Sara Q on

  • Our little one gets to keep 1 piece of candy for every year she is old, she puts the rest of the candy on the porch and then the Switch Witch flys by that night!

    Noelle Swonsen on

  • We love the switch witch! Starting doing it when my girls, twins now 10, were younger so they are accustomed to it. They get to keep the number of pieces that they are old each year and the Switch Witch gets the rest. One year the switch witch was lazy! She forgot to switch out the candy on Halloween night and didn’t switch it until the next day. She must have been sleeping from eating too much candy, naughty switch witch! This year I think she’ll bring them books :)

    Sarah Hill on

  • My little one and I go trick-or-treating. I switch for other cookies/candy that have less sugar and stickers.

    Olga on

  • That’s an awesome idea. We usually let the kids have the candy they want for a day or two and then they get tired of it. They’re pretty picky so they don’t end up eating many sweets.

    Danielle C on

  • We live in a city, in a building that doesn’t trick or treat. So far we’ve gotten away without the Halloween haul, but last year my son was intrigued by this illusive trick or treating, so he knocked on our door, said trick or treat! and we gave him some little treats (he loves Annie’s organic fruit snacks!). We might not be so lucky this year, so looking forward to some suggestions from veteran switch witch-ers!

    Megan on

  • Right now we just give the kids candy but the Halloween Fairy sounds like an awesome idea I would love to start a new tradition with the kids this year.

    Azhia on

  • We usually donate it back to the food pantry, but a dentist in our area will also take the kiddos candy and trade it for a dollar store toy – I think I’m going to try that this year!

    Rebecca on

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