Halloween Switch Witch

Halloween Switch Witch

Halloween Switch Witch

When my boys were small they enjoyed trick-or-treating but I didn't want them to eat all that candy. My friend told me about the Halloween Elf who takes away the candy and leaves a toy in its place. I thought that was a great idea. We let them choose a few pieces then put the rest out by the doorstep at night and in the morning a new toy would be in its place!

Since then I've heard about this tradition from many other parents. Some call it the Halloween Fairy or Switch Witch.

What does your family do?

Leave a comment below and enter to win our giveaway - 2 prizes of $50 gift cards to our website so you can get a gift for your Halloween switch! We will choose winners 10/23 in time to ship for the holiday.


  • I always buy some quality fair trade chocolate and treats (including some autumnal savory snacks to cut down on the sugar) and as soon as we get back from trick or treating they trade their Halloween tote for a little sack of healthier goodies. We’ve done it for 10 years and counting!

    Callie Acuff on

  • We will likely limit the number of houses my daughter visits and focus on welcoming trick-or-treaters to our house.

    Julie on

  • My son has food allergies and cannot have any candy so we don’t keep any of it. his 4 siblings are really good at giving it up. Maybe not totally fair but we have to do it for safety. We take their candy and exchange for candy that we know is safe.

    Justyna on

  • We have done the switch witch for years. I let my kids eat the chocolate candies but all the ones with food coloring go to the switch witch. And my kids come up with reasons each year why she needs the colored candies.

    Christa on

  • My kids don’t love knocking on doors. We get dressed up and hit the houses of extended family, who know my wishes for more healthy treats. Then we come home and enjoy the spectacle of trick or treating on our doorstep.

    Cara on

  • We love the Switch Witch! Our children love to wake up to find art supplies and organic treats. 🎃 Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!

    Kristin on

  • Love the sugar sprite idea! Wondering if this would work on an eight year old. Wish I had thought of the sooner!!

    Jennifer Langeland on

  • This will be our first year doing a switch witch!!!! Our kids are GF/DF/EF and sugar free for the most part, so it will be perfect! My eldest is dressing up as a dragon this year!

    Tara Schroeder on

  • We did the Switch Witch for the first time last year and she brought glow-in-the-dark Magnitiles! But my son doesn’t like any characters – Switch Witch, Easter Bunny, and Santa all scare him, so we tell him that Mommy and Daddy will leave the toy. Great way to get rid of all the sugar! The kids are still young – 3 & 1 so luckily, they lose interest in trick-or-treating quickly and we’re only switching out 10 or so houses worth of candy!

    Caley Kukla on

  • What a great idea! My son’s elementary school actually collects leftover candy and will ship it to our soldiers who are deployed. It’s a win-win for everyone.

    Simran on

  • What a great idea! Will definitely be doing this from now on. My little is allergic to nuts, so her dad gets pretty much all of the chocolate…except for the Reese’s…those are mine!

    Sarah on

  • That is a great idea! I will definitely use that with my four year this year.

    Robyn G on

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