Halloween Switch Witch

Halloween Switch Witch

Halloween Switch Witch

When my boys were small they enjoyed trick-or-treating but I didn't want them to eat all that candy. My friend told me about the Halloween Elf who takes away the candy and leaves a toy in its place. I thought that was a great idea. We let them choose a few pieces then put the rest out by the doorstep at night and in the morning a new toy would be in its place!

Since then I've heard about this tradition from many other parents. Some call it the Halloween Fairy or Switch Witch.

What does your family do?

Leave a comment below and enter to win our giveaway - 2 prizes of $50 gift cards to our website so you can get a gift for your Halloween switch! We will choose winners 10/23 in time to ship for the holiday.


  • This is the first year I’ve heard of the Halloween fairy or halloween elf! I made Up a little story about it and told it to my boys and they’re all for it!! Right away they’re like okay!! I’ll give the fairy my candy! Yes!! #momwin

    LeeAnna on

  • When I was little, my parents didn’t take me trick-or-treating, so there was not a huge stockpile of candy to ditch. They took me to the movies instead. It was the only time of year that we got to purchase a candy treat at the theater. I actually loved having the entire movie theater just for my family. I thought it was so exclusive when I was a kid!

    Luci on

  • We do this! But we call it “Halloween Fairies”. They take the pile of candy to ogres in need, and as a thank you, they replace it with healthier fare, and a few little toys too.

    Katie on

  • I’ve never heard of this! Of course, we didn’t do Halloween when I was little.

    I always just eat all the extra candy myself ;)

    Ashley Angell on

  • We recently moved to Lithuania from Russia and it is actually the first time we will be participating in Halloween activities. I struggle with explaining the concept of trick or treating to my daughter), so I will probably need to join her). She asked me to Anna to her Elsa).

    Veronika on

  • We stop trick or treating earlier. We just go to fewer houses. It helps that in our neighborhood the houses participating are fewer between.

    Laura on

  • I love the idea of a Halloween fairy! I think I will try that this year. In the past we have had the kids choose a certain amount of candy that will be their own to eat, and the rest goes into a family stash, which disappears at some point. I love the idea of getting rid of the stash all together and replacing it with a special gift. My kids are super into the magic of fairies right now, so I know they’d eat this idea right up! (Haha!)

    Sarah on

  • When I was little my mom used to decorate my whole room with Halloween decor and chocolate in every single place in my room and wait for me to come home and she would tell me the Halloween Fairy did it and I have since passed it down to my two girls. We love the Halloween Fairy. ✨ I want their life to always be full of magic.

    Kristina K. on

  • We love to watch Hocus pocus! We don’t go to much for a Halloween since my kids are young. I love this candy exchange idea!

    Anel on

  • Last year was my daughter’s first time going out trick or treating. We dumped it all out onto the livingroom floor and I sorted out all of the hard candies, tootsie rolls and gum (her two front teeth are capped so she is limited to what she can eat) then I allowed her to eat the candy until it was gone whether it be over a course of weeks, days or hours. After reading this blog and all of the comments I talked to her about the Halloween Elf and if she wanted to leave her candy for him in exchange for a toy. She’s beyond thrilled and so am I. Thank you for this wonderful idea. I love it!

    Robin on

  • I love that idea!! This will be our family’s first halloween together so looking for new traditions and toys :)

    Paula on

  • This is a very cute idea, but, our girls are too old for a Switch Witch now. Our daughters always liked trick-or-treating for being outside in the neighborhood with friends at night. They never cared too much about the candy, one with allergies, one with limited appetite for sweets. They were very generous with giving away their treats—-as “trades” with friends; added to our bowl for handouts to the older kids at the door later; to Dad’s work; to school collection for military…
    We’d love to have this giveaway to help younger cousins begin the Switch Witch (and Sarah’s Silks) tradition! Thanks!

    Ellen on

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