Green Halloween

Green Halloween

Green Halloween
"You were once a yellow pumpkin 
sitting on a sturdy vine,
Now you are a Jack-o'-lantern,
let your little light shine."

Here at Sarah's Silks we love celebrating festivals! Halloween is a fun one that can be spent doing activities all month that are out in nature and nurturing for young children.

Wonderful ideas for a green, earth-friendly Halloween include pumpkin patch visits, followed by pumpkin carving and baking and eating pumpkin treats. Long walks gathering fall leaves and acorns. Baking bread, making candles, sitting by the fire, and of course, dressing up!

Playsilks are one of the best, most creative tools for making your own costume. We've seen children use them to become ghosts, witches, genies, flying machines, almost anything you can imagine can be created (with a bit of added magic) with a special colored Playsilk. 

Adding Face Paint makes even more characters possible - think tiger stripes on cheeks paired with a tiger Playsilk. 

Trick-or-treat baskets are another great earth-friendly way to stay away from plastics. Baskets are beautiful and will be used over and over in many ways.
Leave a comment about what your children are dressing up as for Halloween and enter to win a $100 gift card to our shop!
5 winners will be chosen 10/1 and announced here!


  • This year my kids want to be a superhero and a dump truck. For the super hero costume costume we went through her closet to find clothes too small, and I am using those to make accessories (gloves, belt, mask) and a silk for a cape! My littlest looks adorable walking around in the dump truck we crafted from packages and supplies we already had. The best part is involving the kids so everyone has a hand in creating them.

    Kayla S. on

  • This year, my littles and I will be using clothes we already have (a brown sweater, her tan jacket, his black jumper) to be woodland creatures, and our beautiful silks to carry around as the leaves or berries they eat. We are all so excited!

    Bianca Michelle on

  • This year we are going to recycle last years Halloween costume and add a bit of paint and become a zombie mermaid but our favorite green Halloween activity ia going around the neighborhood with the wagon collecting rotting pumpkins to donate to our neighboor for her chickens and other animals. It’s an amazing way to recycle all those pumpkins and show some extra love. The kids love it l!

    Katherine Thomson on

  • My family wears regular clothing. They match a character, monster or person. When they find something that goes with their outfit is when they get excited. We reuse what we have already and having silks is great for them to use to incorporate into their costumes.

    Claudia on

  • My 6 month old is going to be a turtle this year for Halloween. I’m crocheting the shell and belly so that after I can stuff them and make it a sweet stuffed animal. She will always be able to cuddle her first hallloween costume!

    Brittany Sandbulte on

  • We will be chickens for our babies first Halloween. I am borrowing a friends playsilk in sunshine as a scarf!

    Jen on

  • This year we are making our costumes out of things from our local thrift shops and our recycle bin. Our family loves how unique our costumes are when they’re hand made and also reusing material at the same time. We will be mushrooms this year using paper and cardboard for the caps and wearing cozy white and brown thrifted clothes for the stem.

    AE on

  • This year we are all going as vikings. I am using scraps of fabric to make my kiddos costume, and my husband and I are wearing pieces we already had from when we got married.

    Lauren Beymer on

  • We definitely want to do a Harry Potter dress up theme with our infant this year! Would do our best to thrift items, or repurpose toys and play silks and fabrics to make the costumes happen!

    Emma on

  • We celebrate autumn with our family traditions of visiting an apple orchard and picking apples, drinking apple cider with doughnuts and baking lots of yummy apple treats. This year we plan on rolling beeswax candles and doing some leaf rubbings as well. Our daughter loves dressing up as a princess using a crown and the Starry silk. 🍂 ✨️

    Nikki on

  • We love hand-me-downs. And a hand-me-down costume is perfect. It’s free, more eco-friendly (one of the best ways to be green is to simply not buy anything new!). The best part of a hand-me-down costume is the memories attached to it. My niece lives in Switzerland and as a baby wore an adorable St. Bernard costume. It was passed on to many of her friends and her little brother and about 7 years later my son got to wear it for his first 2 halloweens. Its become a sort of family heirloom 😁💕

    Eva on

  • My husband and I always dress up as Pokémon Trainers, and we dressed up our baby as a Snorlax for her first Halloween. This year she chose Pikachu as her starter Pokémon, so she’ll dress up like Pikachu this year. The costumes for trainers are so easy! It’s pretty much bright colored exercise clothes and an Ash Katchum hat. We also buy Pokémon jammies rather than costumes so they’re more useful. 😁

    Christina Brady on

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