Green Halloween

Green Halloween

Green Halloween
"You were once a yellow pumpkin 
sitting on a sturdy vine,
Now you are a Jack-o'-lantern,
let your little light shine."

Here at Sarah's Silks we love celebrating festivals! Halloween is a fun one that can be spent doing activities all month that are out in nature and nurturing for young children.

Wonderful ideas for a green, earth-friendly Halloween include pumpkin patch visits, followed by pumpkin carving and baking and eating pumpkin treats. Long walks gathering fall leaves and acorns. Baking bread, making candles, sitting by the fire, and of course, dressing up!

Playsilks are one of the best, most creative tools for making your own costume. We've seen children use them to become ghosts, witches, genies, flying machines, almost anything you can imagine can be created (with a bit of added magic) with a special colored Playsilk. 

Adding Face Paint makes even more characters possible - think tiger stripes on cheeks paired with a tiger Playsilk. 

Trick-or-treat baskets are another great earth-friendly way to stay away from plastics. Baskets are beautiful and will be used over and over in many ways.
Leave a comment about what your children are dressing up as for Halloween and enter to win a $100 gift card to our shop!
5 winners will be chosen 10/1 and announced here!


  • Living abroad as Americans with other ex-pats we wanted our kids to know and experience a little what Halloween was about a n America ? So we happened to be staying with friends in a house with a courtyard and multiple doors to the different rooms accessed from the courtyard. So the kids scurried And dressed up with scarves parents hats random dress ups etc. and all the parents got behind different doors from the courtyard with some local treats in hand and the kids would knock on each door and say trick-or-treat! They soon got the idea !

    D christensen on

  • We found two jack-o-lantern costumes at a second hand shop. One for each of our little boys! Might use green silks to add to the stem part too.

    Jonathan Byram on

  • We don’t have any play silks yet but this is the time of year when we bring our easel outside and enjoy the cooler weather while painting what we see: lots of changing leaves. I’ll let them do that while I make their costumes!

    Julia Howe on

  • I braided the autumn silk with the spring silk to make a crown for a Lady Autumn. And my daughter placed the magical stars and moons silk in a basket for her fortune teller’s costume.

    Martina on

  • We are tying silks by one corner onto a belt to create a fairy skirt and then doing the fairy wings. We like to celebrate welcoming the fall season instead of Halloween, so we are going to ‘flit’ through nature and find little treasures (ie colorful leaves, acorns, pine cones). Then we’ll see if we can use our found objects to do something creative with. 💛

    Arwyn on

  • We braided silks in fun colors and turned them into tiger tails. Then the kids wore headbands with felted ears and pajamas. It was an easy transition to bedtime;)

    Gina on

  • We love the idea of using silks to make a butterfly costume! Between that and recycled cardboard, we have made some beautiful creations!

    Kailey Tynes on

  • My kiddos are using their playsilks (plus sword and shield!) to be knights. I just saw your instagram post with costume ideas and am trying to figure out how you tied the knight costume! We’re planning on tying up our silks like a cape!

    Sarah on

  • We love to dress up year round! Which makes Halloween so much fun because my daughter likes to take ideas from the year and then dress them up even more for Halloween! She likes to take her play silks and make outfits like mermaid tails and tops!

    Sarah Waldron on

  • My little girl wants to be just like her dad who works in construction. I took one of his old bright orange safety vests and hemmed it up to fit her as a jacket. Then she wore a shirt with his companies logo and a pair of jeans with her work boots. We went further and used a piece of the orange vest and turned it into a head band and I drew a mustache on her with eyeliner and she looked just like her dad without buying a thing!

    Megan on

  • Each year we make our Halloween costumes. We tend to use old clothing and scraps to make our creations!

    Ashley on

  • This year my 6yr wants to he Pippi Longstocking! We tend to use what we already have and on Halloween day we have a family party, making our own candy! We make yarn dollies all month from the yarn we already have and hand those out for trick or treaters as well as organic apples! We love dressing up and celebrating as a family!

    Katherine Sage on

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