Peek-a-boo! Fun to Play with Babies & They're Learning Too

Peek-a-boo! Fun to Play with Babies & They're Learning Too

Peek-a-boo! Fun to Play with Babies & They're Learning Too


Peek-a-boo is an important game for young children as they’re still learning the concept of object permanence. They're also experiencing safe separation as babies genuinely believe that their loved one has disappeared when they can't see them anymore. You might hear in this video baby E gasp when the playsilk covers him and then he squeals in delight when he sees his loved one again. As parents we naturally play peek-a-boo with our kids. I remember when my kids would laugh with delight when we played with our silks.

This game is great for siblings or multiple adults as you can switch up who surprises the baby when the playsilk floats away.⁣

If you don’t know this song here are the lyrics. Enjoy singing with your children.
xoxo Sarah

Oh Mr Sun, Sun, ⁣
Mr golden Sun, ⁣
Please shine down on me. ⁣

Oh Mr Sun, Sun, ⁣
Mr golden Sun, ⁣
Hiding behind those trees. ⁣

These children are asking you, ⁣
To please come out so we can play with you. ⁣

Oh Mr Sun, Sun, ⁣
Mr golden Sun, ⁣
Please shine down on me. ⁣ ⁣


  • The minis are adorable and so perfect for the smaller babies. We love our silk and our teether too

    Angelica on

  • We have a yellow silk, and our 21-month-old loves it so much! She loves using it to play “boo mama,” in which she covers her face with it and “sneaks” up behind me to say, “BOO!!” 😂 It’s also an indispensable accessory for her dance parties- she loves waving it around :) She also uses it to tuck her stuffed animals in at night. Thank you for all the joy you’ve brought with your beautiful silk!

    Natasha on

  • Yes, peek-a-boo is a family
    Favorite that easily allows all 3 of ours kids to connect! My 6 and 3 yr olds get giggles from our 8 mo old and you can see the glee and pride in their little faces and hear the joy in their own laughter!

    Natalie on

  • My babes have always loved peek-a-boo now at 2 and 3 they are obsessed. They love to peek around objects very slowly, or jump or to try to startle me. It’s a fun game that really never gets old!

    Samantha on

  • We are a big fan of peek-a-boo scarf play. We also like to strip bub down his his nappy and let him tummy time on his silk. He squeals and laughs as he wriggles around on top of it.

    Louise on

  • All 3 of my kids love to play peek a boo. My oldest is 3 and he loves to make the twin babies laugh playing peek a boo. It is so sweet💕 playing the game with silks is a great idea!

    Melissa on

  • Both my kids loved to play peek a boo. They are almost 4 and 2 now and often play peek a boo behind the curtains or under a blanket. They love to ‘scare’ me, giggling from under the blanket, screaming ‘kiekeboe!’ (peek a boo in Dutch haha). They love when I do a jump scare and do it again and again. Peek a boo for older kids I think haha

    Playing it when they where baby’s helped them a lot to cope with separation. Luckily I am a stay at home mom, but they found it very hard when I did have to leave. Would llked to knew this song before, they enjoyed it a lot when I started to sing along.

    Silke on

  • Both my older boys have loved peek a boo and they now love playing it with their 9 month old brother ☺️ I remember this song only from our “Barney” days!

    Christina on

  • My son loved peek a boo as in his early years. What a sweet song to sing with peek a boo!

    Courtney on

  • Our little girl adored this game when she was very small: she used to wriggle and kick with delight when the “boo!” came,along with huge smiles and giggles😁. We weren’t fortunate enough to be able to afford your wonderful silks to play however, so made do with Mummy’s shirt instead lol. She still loves to play it to this day (at almost 3) by hiding behind our living room curtains and waiting to jump out on Mummy or Daddy 😂

    Orla on

  • Lots of peekaboo playing happens in our house. With us, with her brother, with the cats. It never gets old.

    Jennifer on

  • My LO is 19 months and still loves peek-a-boo! She also loves being the one to make our teeny baby friends giggle by playing it with them, too <3

    Carla on

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