Green Halloween!

Green Halloween!

Green Halloween!

This Halloween why not chose dressup items your kids will use year round? Playsilks, fairy dresses, wings, crowns, garlands and many more of our items can be combined to create lovely fun costumes. Natural, soft, beautiful silk instead of itchy one time use costumes-eco-friendly and green as silk is an earth friendly fiber. 

Some fun ideas from our Facebook fans: a silk queen, a blue and green peacock, a pumpkin princess, a super fish, a rainbow unicorn, Grandfather Twilight, sea goddess, rapunzel, and a pirate in a tutu.

Leave a comment of an idea you or your child could make out of our playsilks and enter to win a $50 gift certificate to our shop. Random winner will be chosen 10/8 in time to shop for Halloween!

The winner is:

  • She is being the Wicked Witch. She wants to use her purple silk as a cape. We’ll use another silk in my basket so Dorothy can carry Toto.

    Nicole McKinney on 

Congratulations Nicole! Thanks everyone for entering.



  • My daughter really loves Robin Hood. So we would either make a Robin Hood costume or Maid Marian. I bought her a wooden bow and she think your guys veils look like the one Maid Marian wore in the cartoon :)

    CArissa FAjardo on

  • For my little guy I was going to make a wingspan for him since he loves birds and quacking all the time. I was going to do a colourful duck probably and if he is walking by then (he’s on the verge) I’d make sure he has the merrygold bottom for legs/feet and some silk out the back as tail feathers.

    Kim on

  • We have used our playsilks to turn into birds – cardinals, goldfinches, and brightly colored parrots!

    Christina on

  • A cape so she can be a super unicorn!

    Christine dennstedt on

  • She is being the Wicked Witch. She wants to use her purple silk as a cape. We’ll use another silk in my basket so Dorothy can carry Toto.

    Nicole McKinney on

  • My son wants to be a knight every year, so i think playsilks would make it easy: two silks tied at the corners for the shirt, and another playsilk for the belt. :)

    Anna on

  • My daughter wants to use her playsilks to be a mermaid. A seashell headband and some sea colored silks should be all we need!

    Ali H on

  • My son is planning on using his crown and a play silk to be a fairy king.

    Abby on

  • My 3 year old is planning to be Super Fairy (she can do anything!) for Halloween this year and we are planning to use playsilks for her wings/cape.

    Serena on

  • It’s amazing what my two children can do with play silks, a cape, and a random pair of green pants that came in a seconds bag. We have had everything from the ‘2’ kings to nomads crossing a desert to frogs jumping in a pond of silks to the more traditional butterflies, knights, and twirly rainbow fairies. They have also dressed up the rocking horse, cape and all!
    They are truly the most versatile and compact toy. The kids love them!

    Kara on

  • My daughters love your silk fairy skirt, cape, crowns and butterfly wings!
    Wow, woukdn’t it be fun and easy to take a large piece of silk (or we always used a cotton sheet as a kid) and put it over your childs’ head … With cut outs for the eyes to become a ghost… Or take strips of silk (maybe from your scraps basket ) and wrap it around your childs body, limbs and head to become a mummy!
    My girls want to be butterfly princesses!
    Thank you !

    Kendra on

  • A genie! Playsilk around head, another around top then another around waist. A couple small for cuffs. Add some gems and lamp.

    valerie s on

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