Eco-Friendly Gift Wrapping

Eco-Friendly Gift Wrapping

Eco-Friendly Gift Wrapping

Did you know that there is a 25% increase in the amount of garbage we dispose of around the holidays? And most of it is packaging and wrapping paper. According to an article in The Atlantic (12/22/12) we spend €2.6 billion annually on wrapping paper. Wasteful!

Cloth wrapping has been used in traditional cultures for over 1,200 years and is still used today by many wise parents. Furoshiki is the ancient art of cloth wrapping from Japan which is elegant, practical and eco-friendly. In Korea it's called Bojagi and is often silk or hemp patchwork cloth.

Another advantage is that different shaped gifts are easier to wrap with cloth. Here are some ideas:



We love how simple and beautiful cloth wrap is. And your wrapping becomes another gift or can be used year after year.

Playsilks are especially beautiful as wrapping because of how luminescent and shiny the colors are. Plus, after the gifts are open the children can play with them!

Our starter set of silk wrappings is available here.

Leave a comment about your ideas for reusable gift wrapping below and enter to win a Holiday Gift Wrap Set! 

Two winners will be chosen 11/14/18.

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  • I’ve used other fabric before but for some reason hadn’t thought of silks! What a beautiful idea!

    Julia on

  • I love reusable wrapping paper! I’ve used bandanas and other cloths, sometimes I just tuck the corners in, other times I tie it up with twine or ribbon. Once I attached velcro dots to felt and made a cute wrapping “sleeve” for books. These silks would definitely step up my game!

    Pamela Martin on

  • I love playsilks and reusable wrap, would love to use them for that for my grandkids! Longtime customer in Lithuania.

    Margaret Ruby on

  • This is brilliant! I’m guilty of using wrapping paper but I do reuse it over and over until there’s no life left

    Rachelle on

  • The gift wrap is a GIFT! I had someone do this with a beautiful dish towel once (years ago!) and I still treasure the towel and the memory! So unique and sustainable, too! :)

    Mary N. on

  • I love reusable wraps. A few years ago my mom made a bunch from her fabric stash and finished off the edges. Now we cycle them back and forth among family members every Christmas. We also will use brand new dishtowels that we buy as gifts as wrap for other gifts—two gifts in one!

    Rebecca S. on

  • We love making reusable gift wrap from old paper bags and newspaper. We like to make package decorations with sticks and yarn. I have never used play silks for wrapping but it’s such a great idea! I think my kids would love playing with the “wrapping” as much as the gift!!

    Megan F on

  • I LOVE this idea! What a beautiful and sustainable way to give gifts. And the wrapping is a gift!

    Christina Soletti on

  • I’ve used fabric in the past but never playsilks. So pretty. I like thrifted vintage fabric for gifting

    kerigocrazy on

  • My daughter has been super into making forts recently. We got her a set of play clips that she uses with sheets and blankets. She would love to have the colorful playsilks to use in her “projects”.

    Teresa Madamba on

  • Would love to wrap our sons new cars for Christmas in a playsilk! We have a couple minis already and he loves to use them for roads!

    Sarah on

  • Play silks have been our go-to toy for years. The kids use them to “wrap” things all the time. What a great idea!

    Julie on

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