Children's Work is Play!

Children's Work is Play!

Children's Work is Play!

Free play, imaginative pretending and having parents who leave time and space for their kids to have freedom to explore are in my experience some of the most important ingredients for enriching childhoods.

I've been so impressed with Mrs. Ewing's children, her mothering and ideas about play. So I asked her if I could share some of her ideas and her kids play here on the blog.

Here is what she has to say:

waldorf families

The toys are kept near where she works so the kids play close to her. They are open ended and beautiful.

This is her daughter playing midwife unicorn, with playsilks green as grass and turquoise as water. Wooden animals and trees complete the scene, with lots of imagination added!


Simple birthdays are the best!

Here is her daughter in her birthday crown and with her beloved new doll!

One or two well loved dolls is better than too many. 

waldorf birthday crown

A dressup basket will be used over and over again!

Here are girls playing pretend butterfly fairies in their fairy skirts.

silk fairy skirts

"Boredom is always there best door to the imagination. At least with my girls, their most in depth and longest times in play have come out of a moment of boredom." ~Mrs. Ewling

grimm's wooden toys 

Adding blocks and wooden animals from makers like Osteimer and Grimm's Wooden Toys adds simple beauty and lots of possibility to the play room.

homeschool Sarah Lee

Also important are nature studies of common items found in the yard, and of course, lots of time playing outside.

Combined with lots of love, healthy meals, and good sleep makes for happy, healthy childhoods!

Family play ideas and photos from @_mrsewlingdrygoods


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  • We set up lots of themed toy stations, nature walks, and visit local museums

    Christy M B on

  • My three year old and I built a shelter from sticks and cattails along with a pretend campfire.

    Kimberly on

  • Blessings of love Sarah!

    angela Hillier on

  • These are some great ideas! We like to keep things simple and are looking to move towards more natural play so we’ll have to try some of these.

    Jessica Nelles on

  • What a wonderful family with beautiful toys! I agree with all of it…so so wonderful!

    Lucy on

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