Eco-Friendly Gift Wrapping

Eco-Friendly Gift Wrapping

Eco-Friendly Gift Wrapping

Did you know that there is a 25% increase in the amount of garbage we dispose of around the holidays? And most of it is packaging and wrapping paper. According to an article in The Atlantic (12/22/12) we spend €2.6 billion annually on wrapping paper. Wasteful!

Cloth wrapping has been used in traditional cultures for over 1,200 years and is still used today by many wise parents. Furoshiki is the ancient art of cloth wrapping from Japan which is elegant, practical and eco-friendly. In Korea it's called Bojagi and is often silk or hemp patchwork cloth.

Another advantage is that different shaped gifts are easier to wrap with cloth. Here are some ideas:



We love how simple and beautiful cloth wrap is. And your wrapping becomes another gift or can be used year after year.

Playsilks are especially beautiful as wrapping because of how luminescent and shiny the colors are. Plus, after the gifts are open the children can play with them!

Our starter set of silk wrappings is available here.

Leave a comment about your ideas for reusable gift wrapping below and enter to win a Holiday Gift Wrap Set! 

Two winners will be chosen 11/14/18.

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  • Playsilks are a wonderful addition to our gift wrapping options all year round. When our children were young I made reusable bags with offcuts from sewing and gift making. Dish towels are also a favorite now that the family is grown. We also re-use our tags, some dating back to the ’70s! All of these generate lovely conversations and evoke good memories.

    Willow on

  • We have started using Beeswax Wraps but before that I was using wax paper from
    The kitchen and letting the kids pick flowers to flatten and iron into it. Looks so beautiful and such a great activity for littles ones. They know decorate the beeswax wraps which is made from recycled materials. Love the idea of using the silks to wrap gifts.

    Phoebe Berg on

  • We keep packing paper to use as wrapping paper and then my children decorate it with drawings, messages, poems, stickers, magazine clippings, etc. Thanks for the giveaway!

    Sarah C on

  • I like to use newspaper to wrap gifts, we also always reuse bags and tissue paper. Wrapping the gifts in silk would add something very special for my children!

    Sylvie Blank on

  • Currently in our household we have enjoyed wrapping presents with the numerous amounts of artwork that has been completed by my daughter. It’s nice to be able to do something meaningful with her art. She makes a lot! We would appreciate an upgraded wrapping solution for the holidays :)

    Heidi on

  • We’ve used playsilks, tea towels, and pretty fabric before.

    Kate on

  • I think wrapping gifts in Playsilks is awesome. I use magazines, newspapers, and aluminum foil paper to wrap gifts. It looks fun and creative!

    olga on

  • Great money saving & eco-friendly odea. My kids love their play silks, & will love this idea. Now they can pretend to wrap gifts while they play too!

    Jerry Bowers on

  • I love this idea! One more great idea for our play silks! Our family usually upcycles newspaper or the brown paper used in packages as gift wrap. My kids then decorate them by coloring them! Now we can do both. :)

    Crystal Bowers on

  • What a beautiful and environmentally friendly way to wrap gifts!

    Tisha J on

  • I love this idea!!! I have been using cloth to wrap for a while but since i wanted to get my kiddos some silks this would be perfect!

    Jessica Zand on

  • Our kids have been using their silks to wrap presents for each other since they first got them. They were the ones who inspired me to start doing it!

    Abby on

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