Eco-Friendly Gift Wrapping

Eco-Friendly Gift Wrapping

Eco-Friendly Gift Wrapping

Did you know that there is a 25% increase in the amount of garbage we dispose of around the holidays? And most of it is packaging and wrapping paper. According to an article in The Atlantic (12/22/12) we spend €2.6 billion annually on wrapping paper. Wasteful!

Cloth wrapping has been used in traditional cultures for over 1,200 years and is still used today by many wise parents. Furoshiki is the ancient art of cloth wrapping from Japan which is elegant, practical and eco-friendly. In Korea it's called Bojagi and is often silk or hemp patchwork cloth.

Another advantage is that different shaped gifts are easier to wrap with cloth. Here are some ideas:



We love how simple and beautiful cloth wrap is. And your wrapping becomes another gift or can be used year after year.

Playsilks are especially beautiful as wrapping because of how luminescent and shiny the colors are. Plus, after the gifts are open the children can play with them!

Our starter set of silk wrappings is available here.

Leave a comment about your ideas for reusable gift wrapping below and enter to win a Holiday Gift Wrap Set! 

Two winners will be chosen 11/14/18.

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  • I love this so much! We only have a couple of silks but look forward to using them for wrapping. I am love the idea of having some cloth bags that we could use over and over for all our wrapping needs.

    Christa on

  • We use sarongs or chitenges to wrap and rewrap. And my mother uses reusable gift bags of all sorts year after year. Silks is even better!

    Margo on

  • I did this last year with the silks and plan to do it again!!!! ❤️❤️

    Darla on

  • I often reuse gift bags that I receive from my students. But this year I have been saving a few new silks I recently purchased from Sarah’s silks especially with wrapping my kids’ gifts in mind. They will be so excited when they discover that the inside AND outside of their gifts are playthings for them.

    Ashlie Arkwright on

  • Never thought of using silks as giftwrap, what a great idea! I’m trying to use glass jars for Christmas goodies rather than so many plastic bags. The jars will make a pretty presentation and can be reused for food, bathroom or kitchen items, and more!

    Merri Lawson on

  • For as far back as I can remember, my mom has used beautiful fabric scraps for wrapping presents. Now, while my kids and I lived in Japan, I collected beautiful fabrics made specifically for gift wrapping, and they serve as both beautiful reminders of our time there, as well as a practical way to gift items. I’ve also used newspaper, shoe boxes with pretty scraps glued on, as well as silks.

    Mary on

  • I love this idea! I often reuse gift bags so I don’t have to buy new ones and if I can find recycled paper gift wrap I will buy that.

    Erin on

  • Reused bags and newspaper are great ways to reduce in our opinion.

    Jordan Lynch on

  • I have used newspapers, paper bags, reused bags, but this is even more beautiful! My 5 year old would love this!

    Amy Brown on

  • I’ve thought about using fabric on gifts before but never got around to trying it. This is motivating! I love how special the gifts look, too.

    April Boyle on

  • I had never thought of using silks as wrapping either! I’m always the one collecting the gift bags and ribbons for re-use year after year. Our family also has a few nicely wrapped boxes (top and bottom wrapped separately so all that is required is a bow to hold them together, soap opera present style) that we re-use for bigger presents each year.

    sarah on

  • I love the look of cloth-wrapped gifts under a tree. It feels more special than disposable paper.

    Lauren McMillan on

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